
Q. Who are you?

A. I’ve spent the last 14+ years at the sharp end of the sports betting world. Initially spending 9 years in Betfair’s market operations team, subsequently I’ve worked for major gambling syndicates and for myself. Going further back I have an Economics BSc from UCL.

Q. Whats this blog all about?

A. Its not a betting blog, its a data blog. Most posts will be a brief piece of data analysis, usually on a sports related topic, but I’ll tackle non-sporting subjects too if I find an interesting data source.

Q. Whats the code for in some of your posts?

A. I’m teaching myself Python to help with my data analysis. Posts will include all the Python code used in the analysis, so I have a little online portfolio. As I progress with Python hopefully the analysis and visualisations in my posts will improve too! My posts are originally created as a Jupyter Notebook then converted into a Markdown file for publishing on the blog.

Q. This blog visually looks good, how did you create it?

A. This is a Jekyll blog using the Minimal Mistakes theme.